How to Get Motivated to Study

How to Get Motivated to Study

In times of stress, it can feel almost impossible to stay motivated and be proactive, as the tasks seem to be piling up and the deadlines either getting closer or further behind you. It is important to try and take care of yourself during these times, as mental and physical wellbeing are crucial for motivation and performance. These simple tips may not work for you personally, but being proactive and trying to achieve even the smallest every-day tasks is critical for lowering your stress levels and improving mental health.

Going Outside

Sunlight is crucial for our wellbeing. Vitamin D and exposure to daylight not only ensure that our bodies are healthy, but assist in sleep schedules, which is directly linked to depression rates. Simply sitting outside while wearing sunscreen can help your mood, taking in the fresh air and the outside world can help refocus and centre motivation.

Being Active

While this can seem like yet another task that needs to be done, physical activity is crucial for wellbeing. Even just going for a brisk walk while listening to music can help with energy levels and assist in serotonin levels.

Eating Healthy

You don’t need to go on a crash diet, but ensuring that you get adequate vegetables, protein and carbohydrates will assist with energy levels and greatly affect mood. While it is very tempting to simply eat junk food when not feeling good, this has adverse impacts on your mood and emotional wellbeing. Limiting your intake of sugar and caffeine will have a positive gradual impact; try restricting it to the recommended 5tsp of added sugar per day and one small caffeinated drink in the mornings.


You may not feel like going out and interacting with people, but it can have a very strong impact on your mood. Even talking for ten minutes to a loved one on the phone can lower your levels of stress and help you to refocus your thoughts. If this is not possible, at least try to leave the house, go to a busy café and order a drink, sit in a crowded park.


Create a schedule and list of priorities and try to stick to it! These don’t have to be big things; you can start with the small day-to-day tasks and build yourself back up to larger concerns. By planning your days, you will gain a level of perspective over the tasks you have to deal with, and can offer yourself rewards for their completion, aiding motivation significantly.

Seeking Help

If you find yourself stuck in a position where your stress levels are adversely affecting your life, talk to someone. This can be a parent, friend, tutor, teacher, doctor, or psychologist. By talking to trusted people and professionals, you get to the bottom of what is causing the greatest stress and address the issue, improving your mental wellbeing and motivation as a result.

It is usually the tiny adjustments you make each day which can have the biggest impact on your mood, attitude and motivation levels. Remind yourself that you are doing your best and always reach out to friends, family, teachers or professionals to provide you with the guidance you need to succeed both inside and outside the classroom.

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