Year 1 Maths Tutoring
Engaging Year 1 Maths Tuition
delivered by friendly & patient tutors
In the dynamic landscape of the classroom, it’s not uncommon for children to feel a bit lost in the crowd. That’s where MWNS comes in.
We specialise in personalised education, shaping lessons that cater to your child’s specific learning style. Our team of dedicated tutors for Year 1 Maths is committed to infusing expertise and enthusiasm into every session, helping your child grasp mathematical concepts with confidence while laying a strong groundwork for their academic journey ahead.
Whether your child needs a boost, seeks extra challenges, or simply wants to reinforce their skills, MWNS is here to nurture their growth and ignite their passion for learning.

Trusted by parents from over 1000 Schools
Average 4.9/5 Star Google Reviews
Helping build over 5000 Confident Learners
Our Year 1 Tutoring Centres
Where math mastery meets a nurturing touch
Our tutoring centres are vibrant hubs where learning comes to life. With dynamic teaching methods and a supportive atmosphere, we ensure that each child feels empowered to reach their full potential in mathematics.
Enrolling your child in tuition at MWNS is simple and seamless. Just reach out to our friendly team, and we’ll guide you through the process, tailoring the experience to suit your child’s unique needs and schedule.Year 1 Maths in NSW
Here's what your child should know:
Number & Algebra
- Recognising and counting numbers up to 100
- Understanding place value concepts, including tens and ones
- Solving simple addition and subtraction problems using concrete materials and mental strategies
Number & Algebra
- Recognising and counting numbers up to 100
- Understanding place value concepts, including tens and ones
- Solving simple addition and subtraction problems using concrete materials and mental strategies
Measurement & Geometry
- Exploring and comparing length, mass, capacity, and temperature using non-standard and standard units
- Describing and creating simple 2D and 3D shapes
- Understanding concepts of time, including days of the week and telling time to the hour
Measurement & Geometry
- Exploring and comparing length, mass, capacity, and temperature using non-standard and standard units
- Describing and creating simple 2D and 3D shapes
- Understanding concepts of time, including days of the week and telling time to the hour
Statistics & Probability
- Collecting and organising data using pictographs, tally charts, and simple tables
- Interpreting and making observations based on data representations
- Introducing basic concepts of chance and likelihood through simple experiments and activities
Statistics & Probability
- Collecting and organising data using pictographs, tally charts, and simple tables
- Interpreting and making observations based on data representations
- Introducing basic concepts of chance and likelihood through simple experiments and activities
Patterns & Algebra
- Recognising and creating simple repeating patterns
- Describing and extending patterns using objects, shapes, and numbers
- Introducing basic concepts of algebraic thinking, such as identifying missing numbers in sequences
Patterns & Algebra
- Recognising and creating simple repeating patterns
- Describing and extending patterns using objects, shapes, and numbers
- Introducing basic concepts of algebraic thinking, such as identifying missing numbers in sequences
Problem-Solving & Reasoning
- Engaging in problem-solving tasks that require applying mathematical concepts and strategies
- Developing logical reasoning skills through hands-on activities and puzzles
- Communicating mathematical ideas and solutions using appropriate mathematical language
Problem-Solving & Reasoning
- Engaging in problem-solving tasks that require applying mathematical concepts and strategies
- Developing logical reasoning skills through hands-on activities and puzzles
- Communicating mathematical ideas and solutions using appropriate mathematical language
Our Maths Lesson Structures
Year 1 Maths Tutoring

Private Maths Lessons
One-on-one tutoring sessions provide a unique opportunity for year 1 students to receive personalised support tailored specifically to their mathematical needs. These sessions are best suited for students who may benefit from individualised attention to strengthen foundational skills, address specific areas of difficulty, or explore concepts at their own pace.
Whether a student requires extra practice with counting, struggles with understanding basic operations, or simply thrives in a focused learning environment, one-on-one coaching ensures that each child receives the attention and support they need to excel in their Year 1 maths studies.

Micro Group Maths Lessons
Micro Group tutoring sessions, with a maximum of three students, offer a balance between personalised attention and collaborative learning. These sessions are ideal for Year 1 maths students who benefit from small group dynamics, where they can engage in peer interaction and share ideas while still receiving individualised support from the tutor.
This format fosters a supportive learning environment where students can learn from each other's perspectives, build confidence through peer encouragement, and receive targeted instruction tailored to their unique needs.
Year 1 Maths Tuition Fees
Private: $91/hr
Micro Group: $58/hr
Our Teaching Style
Year 1 Maths Tutoring Sydney
School Alignment
Our maths lessons are carefully aligned with school curricula, ensuring that what your child learns with us complements their classroom education seamlessly. Additionally, our tutors are readily available to provide assistance with homework, offering guidance and support to reinforce learning beyond the classroom.
Application Based Learning
In our Year 1 maths lessons, we prioritise application-based learning, where concepts are taught in context and applied to real-life scenarios. By connecting mathematical principles to everyday situations, we empower students to understand the practical relevance of what they're learning, fostering a deeper comprehension and appreciation for mathematics.
Our Team
Our Year 1 maths tutors are exceptional, providing personalised instruction of the highest quality to meet each student's unique needs, guaranteeing effective learning outcomes. Principal Sia meticulously selects each tutor to ensure they meet MWNS's standards of expertise and dedication. Our primary tutors empower students to cultivate confidence and excel.
Mastery Based Learning
In our Year 1 tutoring sessions, we prioritise mastery-based learning, focusing on ensuring students thoroughly grasp concepts before moving forward. Through personalised instruction and targeted feedback, we create a supportive environment where students can master foundational skills at their own pace, laying a solid groundwork for future academic success.
Building Confident Learners
since 2003
Progress Reports After Every Lessons
accessible through our Parent Portal

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Our Tutoring Lessons
Our MWNS tutors collaborate with their students on a weekly basis to best understand their strengths and weaknesses. They work to fill gaps and build confidence, creating an initial learning plan and adapting it based a student’s progress, learning style, revision efforts and academic goals.
Generally, our centres are open 6 days (Monday-Saturday) with Year 1 Maths lessons available each day. Most students attend 1-2 lessons a week.
Tutoring sessions are scheduled based on your child’s individual needs and availability. We offer flexible scheduling options to accommodate busy family schedules while ensuring consistent support for your child’s learning.
Yes and yes! MWNS tutors provide guidance and support with homework, reinforcing classroom learning and helping your child develop confidence and independence in tackling math tasks.
We also provide students with roughly 30 minutes of homework to reinforce what was learnt during the lesson. This can be increased or decreased upon a parent’s request.MWNS has over 15,000 resources available in-centre and online, allowing teachers to create engaging and personalised lessons for all students. These resources include educational games, worksheets, counters, dice, cards, mini whiteboards and clocks. This ensures that lessons remain engaging and effective for young learners.
We encourage students and parents to share these areas that need building with our tutors so they can incorporate them into our learning plans and ensure your child’s success in maths. MWNS tutors are equipped to provide targeted support and additional practice to help your child overcome challenges and build confidence.
Our lessons are conducted pen to paper, however, we do have iPads in most of our centres as a resource to supporting learning. If a student has a device with a homework assignment or work they would like assistance with, they are more than welcome to bring this device into class.
Our MWNS tutors are a combination of qualified teachers, those working towards a qualification or experienced tutors. Principal Sia selects them based on their expertise, dedication, and passion for teaching young learners.
Our priority is your child feeling comfortable in class and loving to learn. If they feel as though their tutor’s teaching style doesn’t suit them, simply speak with our Admin Team or your Centre Manager and they would be happy to offer alternate availability with a different teacher. We can make this change immediately with no fees or hassle.
We provide regular progress updates and detailed evaluations to keep you informed about your child’s growth and achievements through our Parent Portal. Also, our tutors communicate openly with parents after each lesson, offering insights and recommendations for continued improvement.
All MWNS tutors hold valid Working with Children Checks and most of our centres are equipped with security camera. Further to this, most of your classrooms have no doors, and if they do, there is a glass panel to view in/out to ensure a safe environment for your child.
Principal Sia works hard to ensure our tutoring centres promote a positive and welcoming atmosphere conducive to learning.
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Feel free to complete this form and we will respond within 48 hours.